Chairman: Jamie Vermiglio
Chief Executive: Terry Robinson

COO/Acting Secretary: Tom Clarke
Club Welfare Officer: John Clark
Magpies Trust Chair: Mark Oldham
Magpies Trust Elected Director: Margaret Rogerson
First Team Manager: Andy Preece


Hospitality Manager: Sue Gautrey
Commercial Director: Jeff Clarke
Media, Comms & Office Manager: Pete Tscherewik –


Club Safety Officer: John Moore
Turnstile Supervisor: Steve Downie
Stadium Announcer: Craig Thompson
Media Assistants: Oran Willis, Ryan Jacobs, Lucy Webber & Ben Nixon
Photography: David Airey & James Harrison
Videography: Aidan Connolly
First Aid: Cath Still

A new regulation brought in by the National League at the beginning of the 2016/17 season requires every club to apply for and be granted a licence in order to be eligible for membership in the competition. There are several criteria that the Football Club must meet in order to be granted a licence, one of which is to declare publicly the identity of any individual who directly or indirectly owns a stake of 10% or more in the Club.

Chorley Football Club Limited (the ‘Company’) (registered number 02959001) advises that Chorley Football Club Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Chorley Sporting Club Limited. Chorley Sporting Club Limited’s shareholder is RESET EVENTS LIMITED (90%) and the Magpies Trust who have a 10% shareholding.