

The safety and well being of all children, young people and adults at risk is of paramount importance to Chorley FC. We recognise our duty of care to all vulnerable groups and are committed to ensuring that Chorley FC is a place that enables everyone to participate in an enjoyable safe and inclusive environment.

Through the application of our policies and procedures we aim to provide a safe environment for those engaging with the Club. This equally applies to the safety and security of those working with and responsible for the activities involving children, young people and adults at risk.

We take our responsibilities for safeguarding and duty of care seriously and recognise that:

The welfare of children, young people and adults at risk is paramount.

All children and adults at risk regardless of age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion and/or sexual orientation (defined as Protected Characteristics within the Equality Act 2010) have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse.

The Club must work in partnership with vulnerable groups, their family or support network and other statutory and non- statutory agencies to achieve meaningful outcomes for the participant with whom we work.

The Club complies with government legislation relating to safeguarding vulnerable groups and has comprehensive safeguarding procedures which meet the requirements of the:

FA’s Safeguarding Regulations


Download Chorley FC Safeguarding policies and procedures below:

How to Report Safeguarding

Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

Anti-Bullying Policy.

The Respect codes of conduct are in place to ensure that everyone involved within an FA Charter Standard club or league is playing their part to give the players a positive experience.

We have individual Respect codes of conduct:

Download the Players Code of Conduct

Download the Coaches Code of Conduct

Download the Parents Code of Conduct

Within football we want you to use social networks, the internet, texts and email safely to get the information you need. We have produced the guidance below to keep us all safe and to ensure that we respect each other

Social Media Guidance U18 Policy

Celebrating Football Through Photographs and Video

Photograph and Video Guidelines Policy.

Safeguarding Guidance, advice, policy, procedures and regulations to help safeguard everyone involved in football 

Safeguarding Guidance.

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A National Crime Agency Command

If you have concerns about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with a child or young person online contact CEOP, (Child Exploitation Online Protection command, National Crime Agency)
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If you are worried about a child, or need advice or information, call the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000
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Under 18 years old and need to speak to someone confidentially? You can talk to Childline anonymously online or on the phone – No worry is too big or too small.
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Think You Know

The internet and social media can provide many positive opportunities for children and young people. Learn more about helping children and young people navigate the world safely by visiting CEOP’s Thinkuknow.
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The FA

FA Safeguarding: